
A rare early 19th century leather dog collar & chain Revenue Police, Kent

A rare early 19th century leather dog collar & chain Revenue Police, Kent
A rare early 19th century leather dog collar & chain Revenue Police, Kent
A rare early 19th century leather dog collar & chain Revenue Police, Kent
A rare early 19th century leather dog collar & chain Revenue Police, Kent
A rare early 19th century leather dog collar & chain Revenue Police, Kent
A rare early 19th century leather dog collar & chain Revenue Police, Kent
A rare early 19th century leather dog collar & chain Revenue Police, Kent
A rare early 19th century leather dog collar & chain Revenue Police, Kent

A rare early 19th century leather dog collar & chain Revenue Police, Kent
An early 19th century leather dog collar and lead with the brass plaque for “Cosher” of the Revenue Police, Dovor (sic). During the early 19th century the old spelling for Dover of “Dovor” was still in use. References to the Revenue Police in England are extremely limited with extensive research showing very little documented. There was a Revenue Police in Bristol, another port, but little documentary evidence is available. It seems as though an English Revenue Police would have assisted in the Excise at the time, although documentary evidence is sparse. An extremely rare, probably unique piece in excellent condition with the original very substantial chain. England, Dover, Kent, early 19th century.
A rare early 19th century leather dog collar & chain Revenue Police, Kent